Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The FIRST post

For the next three months, this blog will mostly be directed towards all temporary residents of Harrisonburg, VA...aka the JMU student body. Hopefully at the end of this semester and my SMAD 322 class, I'll have enjoyed blogging enough to continue in London. But that's getting ahead of myself. Rewind to now: Here's what to expect/my plan for this whole shin-ding as of right this second:

I'm going to gossip to all of you! Not about who hates who today, or who wore the same outfit as someone else to class, but about headlines you might've missed, organizations that do awesome things and events you probably overlooked that I deem important and significant enough for you to know. Hence the, "Did you hear?", portion of this blog.

I also just moved off campus and into an apartment this year. To my surprise, I cannot cook anything beyond pasta and chicken nuggets. So, once a week I'll be testing out Rachael Ray's 30 minute meals and giving you your very own, live Julie & Julia story. Look for the weekly special in entries labeled, "Rach[a]el Ray and Rachel Ra[mse]y"...celebrity judges are my 2 five-star chef roommates...who you will meet later.

This blog is basically a huge broad spectrum of everything. Come here when you get bored of Facebook, Twitter, or TFLN...or trying to do homework.

Now ya heard. Spread the word.

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